The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija who presided over the meeting with select Chief Magistrates at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala
On Friday September 29, 2023 the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija presided over a meeting with select Chief Magistrates at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala. The meeting was at the invitation of the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, to discuss performance and also get feedback from management.
Hon. Justice Dr Zeija emphasized the critical role Magistrates' Courts play in the justice system, highlighting that they are often the first point of contact for the public seeking dispute resolution. Through their contacts and behavior, he urged the participants to place a high priority on upholding the Judiciary's efficiency and good reputation.
The Principal Judge further stressed the importance of humility in exercising judicial power, reminding participants that this authority is derived from the people and must be exercised responsibly. He encouraged them to set a positive example for their subordinates, ultimately enhancing and safeguarding the image of the Judiciary.
During the meeting, Hon. Justice Dr Zeija outlined key qualities expected from judicial officers, which include maintaining high standards of integrity, legal knowledge, diligent legal research, clear and coherent decision-writing, and a courteous yet firm demeanor in the courtroom.
He also urged the participants to shun corruption, prioritize good customer service, punctuality, adherence to hearing schedules, and the timely resolution of cases.
The Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, commended the participants for their engagement with stakeholders and their efforts to secure land for courts.
She encouraged the participants to meet their monthly case targets and addressed concerns about relations among Magistrates, particularly in stations with multiple Chief Magistrates. She stressed the importance of collaboration and urged participants to report issues that require action.
Regarding private prosecutions, HW Langa called for vigilance and adherence to the law. She also emphasized the importance of balanced workload distribution, quality judgments, and timely delivery.
HW Pamela Lamunu Ocaya, the Inspector of Courts, presented on the functions and powers of the Inspectorate, the Judiciary Client Service Charter, and service delivery standards. She urged participants to ensure effective supervision, manage court seals, maintain organized registries, and respond promptly to inspection requests.
HW James Ereemye Jumire Mawanda, Registrar Magistrates Affairs and Data Management/Judiciary Public Relations Officer, discussed the roles and functions of the Registry. This included support supervision, mentorship, case backlog management, and compliance with standards among others.
Key concerns raised by the participants included the need for waiting spaces, shortages of state attorneys and support staff, and inadequate storage space for archives.
Posted 29th, September 2023